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Wick Trimmer Gold
The Wick Trimmer Gold by DIPTYQUE is a wonderful accessory to enhance the ritual surrounding candle burning. The wick trimmer with a beautiful gold matt finish is a tool to trim wicks to the right length. A properly trimmed wick ensures a cleaner burn and minimises soot and smoke. This also helps extend the life of the candle. As a result, this stylish wick trimmer offers the perfect care for your favourite Diptyque scented candles.

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131552Skins Experts
How to
Make sure the wick is no longer burning, the candle wax has solidified and the candle and wick have cooled down. Hold the wick trimmer at an angle, with the bottom of the cutting section close to the wick. Cut the wick to a length of about 0.5 to 1 centimetre. Do not cut the wick too short, as this may cause the candle not to burn properly. Remove the cut-off part of the wick to prevent it from falling into the candle wax the next time you burn it. Keep the wick trimmer out of the reach of children.
Het puntje op de i
19-12-2023 door Hera
Wat ik al schrijf. Het is letterlijk het puntje op de i om optimaal te kunnen genieten van je geur kaars
Top accessoire kaarsen
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Om de lont korter te maken zodat je geurkaars mooier en langer brand . Ziet er heel mooi uit ook! Heb ik als set met de candle snuffer.
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